Having said that:
This has been a great week and a terrible week.
I will start with the great reason. My in-laws were here visiting and it is always wonderful spending time with them. We love you very much. :)
The reason it was terrible? I ate, and ate, and ate. Needless to say, I went from a happier 173 to 179 in ONE WEEK. UnBelieVable!!!! I wish I could allow my emotions to remain separate from my eating. I was hurt early on by something this week and I allowed that to catapult me into a week of over-indulgence.
I could cry. I could cry. I could cry. Please pray for me. I have absolutely no self control. No self discipline and I could just kick myself.
Let us quickly move along...
As the title states... I have a few more reasons to share with you about why I want to lose weight.
My first reason:
I love my wedding ring. It is beautiful. Simple and perfect. I have not been able to wear my ring for almost three years. I first had to take it off while I was pregnant with Aeron, not because I had gained too much weight, but because my hands had swollen so much that it hurt to wear the ring. After I had Josiah, I had lost what I thought was enough and squeezed that bad boy on. Well, needless to say, that night my hand swelled so badly around the ring that it woke me up. Yeah. Not good. I tried EVERYTHING short of sawing off my finger to get my ring off my hand. Ice, soap, oil, lotion, string. Nothing worked. Finally, I knew what I had to do. I hung my head in shame as I drove to the local fire department. They worked on it as well; trying very gently to slide the ring off my (now extremely irritated and swollen) finger. I am glad to say that I didn't cry, although my pride was terribly bruised. Finally, we all agreed and that the only remaining option was to cut my ring off. I still have it, of course.... beautiful as ever with a big cut in the back spreading the ring apart. Here she is:
I now have quite the collection of pretty, (yet not MY ring), rings.
My second reason:
I love goodwill. Make NO mistake about it. I love thrift stores. You just never know what gems you may find. Not to mention that I feel like we are being good stewards of our finances :) . So, every now and again, Goodwill will have 50% off sales (did your heart just start racing as well as mine?). Along with that, they will have $.99 jeans. That's right 99 CENTS. So, I was thumbing through the pants and lo and behold, I found these:
So cute, Hydraulic jeans. $.99
Can I wear them yet you ask? Uhhh, no. But, soon. At least that is what I tell myself.
My third reason:
I have TONS of pants. I mean... loads. The problem is, clearly, I can't wear any of them. These are a few of the pants that collect dust in my closet, and are also a few of the reasons I despise trying to find clothes to wear. Nothing makes me feel worse than seeing all the clothes I have that I can no longer put on. So sad:
Well ,there it is. My sob story. But, here is some fun news! My neighbor has an amazing daughter who has lost weight and looks AMAZING. I asked her what she has been doing and you would never believe it.. Hula hooping!!! She makes hula hoops, so I got one :) I googled 'hula hoops and weight loss'. Even WebMd has information on it! Apparently it is a GREAT workout, and fun!! So, if anyone is interested in a custom made hula to get a great workout with, let me know and I will pass along her info! I will let you know how it works for me ;)
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