Friday, April 22, 2011


Pin It Now! Fourteen years ago today, I was beyond blessed with the most amazing child I ever could have imagined.

He changed my life.

He made me grow up.

He made me look at things differently.

He made me a better person.

If any of you know my testimony, you know that God has truly taken me from death to life. I was a thief, I used and abused drugs and alcohol. I treated the people who loved me like garbage. During the most difficult times of my life, I lost my family and I cannot blame them. However, God is ALWAYS faithful. Those relationships are restored and my family can see that I am a new person in Christ. 
The one thing my family prayed wouldn't happen.... happened. I got pregnant. I was young and afraid. I had not spoken to my mom in months, yet she was the person I called for help. She drove immediately from Boulder to Colorado Springs to get me. 

Fourteen years ago today, I was beyond blessed. When Linden was born, it was like a new birth in me. God always knows what He is doing. Even though we may not be able to see or understand why things happen, He does. The Holy Spirit changed me that day and if it were not for that day; and that child, I would be in prison or dead. There is no doubt in my mind. So, even though my family prayed for the opposite, God knew what it would take to get my heart focused on Him. I strayed a lot and it took a few years for me to listen to His voice. I am so thankful He doesn't give up. 

Happy Birthday Linden!! You mean more to this mamma then you will ever know. He saved my soul, and you changed my life. 


Monday, April 11, 2011

Yes, I have Hashimotos, and I am thrilled!!!

Pin It Now! Okay, I know the title may seem bizarre, especially considering the fact that I probably shouldn't be excited to find out that I have Hashimotos disease. But, I am excited!!

Let me explain. As I posted in my last blog, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism while pregnant with Aeron, and again with Josiah. I never really knew what that meant, but just that I had to take medication during both pregnancies to keep my thyroid regulated (seriously, whatever THAT meant)?

So, a couple weeks ago, I was finally diagnosed with Hashimotos disease. Brian and I were discussing this with my endocrinologist and she believes that I probably have had Hashimotos waiting around for years, but pregnancy brought it on. So now Brian and I believe that I may have been pretty bad for a couple of years; as we don't remember my previous doctor re-checking my thyroid levels after I had Aeron. As I look back on the last two and a half years, I have felt the same; meaning I have been super tired, which is the main thing I notice changing now that I am on medication. Not to mention my difficulty losing weight even though I have totally re-vamped my life.

Hence the reason for the title! I am beyond excited to finally KNOW what is wrong with my body! For those of you who have ever been to the house we live in... you will know that we have been "working" on it for, well, the entire time we have owned it. Which is three years this June. I mean all of the "fixing up" you can imagine in a 25 year old house. Removing carpet and putting down laminate wood flooring, painting ALL the wood white, some big remodeling (like putting up walls), tearing up hardwood flooring and putting down tiles, re-doing bathrooms. Whew! The list continues... I promise. I have wanted to get this stuff done, but just, couldn't!! I always felt so tired. I could have a cup of coffee (or two and yes, regular... what's the point of decaf anyways?) at 4 pm and still be more than ready ready for bed by 8:30 at night. What am I, 90 years old? I just thought that was normal!! And praise God...  I was wrong!! After being on my medication for a week, maybe a week and a half, I was on my feet for two days straight (I know that sounds pitiful) but seriously! I have not been able to do that in AGES people! I am so ready to get this house finished. In fact, I would be willing to bet that I have accomplished more in those two days than I had in two months.

Having explained all of that. I am still at 177, which I am also okay with. I now know that there is a reason, not an excuse, but a reason for my difficulty losing weight. I am not going to let that stop me! I will not sit behind that diagnosis and let it tell me what I can and cannot do. It may take longer than I ever wanted it to, and it may not! Truthfully I don't know what else being on the medication will help. I do know that my body has been TOTALLY out of whack for a long time so maybe finally being on meds will actually help me to lose weight faster? My doctor said that her patients that do the best with Hashimotos are the people who run on a regular basis, so that is encouraging!

In another note that I will blog about later, my pastor has been delivering A-MA-ZING sermons lately. Not that he hasn't in the past, but wowsa has it been great! He talked about idols and what we place above God and how virtually anything can be an idol and inhibit our relationship with our Savior. Food, you have officially lost that place in my life. I will NO LONGER be a slave to you. I fully and completely give God the place He DESERVES in my life. Food has never died in my place, food has never loved me the way He has and never will. Lord, you have my full attention and I love you!!!!!

Stay tuned! More to come!!

Also, please feel free to comment or email me. It is always so nice to hear from you!