Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's working, people!! IT'S WORKIING!

Pin It Now! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I am not in my usual writting mood, so bear with me please. :)

So, I was recently volunteering at VBS and overheard someone saying that they just paid 50$ to be a part of a weight loss challenge. My interest peaked, and that was when I heard my calling :) I FBooked the leader of the pack and asked to be in!

Let me back up… Slow down a bit. A couple of  months ago, we had joined a gym about 30 minutes away, which turned out to be too much of a drive for gas reasons. Then we decided to go for our local rec center, and I am so so glad we did. It is comparable in price, they have childcare, classes are included and best of all, its local! My 15 yr old wants to be a trainer, so this is even more beneficial for him! I have found that I LOVE LOVE LOVE body pump (free weights) and zumba. And here I thought I would be pacified with running around the track or using the treadmill. Silly me. ;) All in all, I am hooked. Working out is so FUN when you find what is right for you! I have an elliptical at home, but one funny thing I learned about myself is that I seem to be a bit ADD when it comes to working out on ONE machine for an hour. Gag. One more plus for the gym!

Of course, like always, I can always find an excuse to stay at home, not go workout. Even with my new found love of the gym. It seems if I can just get dressed and into the car, then I am feeling good about going. Up until that point though,  it is always a challenge. I was fluctuating in pounds slightly over the last few months, but mostly watching the number go up a little here, a little there. My husband is incredibly sweet and understanding. What a man. Sundays are usually my worst, trying to get ready for church, when I don't feel like dressing this thang up at all. I think women who love their bodies, regardless of size, are ah-maz-ing. I don't know how they do it. I just want to be happy in my own skin. To look in the mirror and recognize the lady staring back at me. Is it embarrassing that I announced to the blogging world along with friends over a year ago that I wanted to lose weight, and I have not lost it yet? You take a stab at that one. Equally as embarrassing are the moments I have to face people at church every week (I am certain however that they love me regardless :)) You would think that feeling alone would be enough to make me run to the gym, work out, then run back home. The opposite happens, I ran right to the pantry. Yuck.

A dear friend got me a fantastic book to read called "Made To Crave". If you struggle AT ALL with food, I highly suggest this book. It is full of God's redeeming love for us. And it explains WHY we crave. As over eaters, or unhealthy eaters, we are just feeding that craving with food instead of God, and then we run into problems. This book is Fuuunny and quick witted. There is also a devotional to go along with it, my hubs surprised me with that earlier this week <3

Obviously,  a lot more has happened since my last post , but neither you or I have the time for it right now, I am sure.

So, I will leave you with this: I am doing the weight loss challenge. I think it is just what I needed. Everything has fallen into place, all in His timing. I will not share my weight loss numbers yet, it adds a bit more challenge to the challenge :) But I AM losing, Praise God! Stay tuned! Once I lose more, I will start posting before and after pics.

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